It has been scientifically noted that zucchini with darker skin is fortified with more nutrients such as Vitamins A, C, E, K, B6, beta carotene, potassium, manganese, folate, and others; super low in calories. They can be grilled, roasted, marinated in olive oil, fried, sautéed or steamed; use in soups, casseroles, and other dishes. Blanch before freezing and enjoy for up to three months.
Growing Black Beauty Zucchini Garden Seeds
- Latin Name: Cucurbita Pepo
- Other Names: Summer squash, courgettes
- Days to Maturity: 62 days
- Hardiness Zone: ½-1 inch deep
- Planting Depth: 6 inches apart
- Plant Spacing: 3-4 feet
- Row Spacing: 3-4 feet
- Growth Habit: 12-24 inches tall and bushy
- Soil Preference: Well-drained, moist, mulch and compost with a pH between 6.8 to 5.5
- Temp Preference: Warmer
- Light Preference: Full Sun = 6-8 hours daily
- Pests/diseases: Bacterial wilt, cucumber beetles, squash bug
- Color: Dark green, glossy and evenly colored
- Flavor: Somewhat sweet, tender, crisp