Growing Garlic Chives from Seed
Name: Garlic Chives / Allium tuberosum
Other Names: Chinese leeks
Days to Maturity: 75 days
Light Preference: Full Sun, though tolerable so partial shade.
Hardiness Zones: 4-9 (Perennial)
Plant Spacing: 5 inches apart
Soil Preference: Prefers moist soil, though garlic chives are drought tolerant.
Plant Height: 12 to 18 inches tall
Uses: Primarily used to flavor savory dishes and adds extra color as a garnish. Also used in landscape design as a nice addition to most any garden.
Garlic chives bloom in late summer and fall, adding color to your garden with its lovely white flowers and glasslike foliage. If you’re looking to attract bees to your garden, then plant some garlic chives.
Garlic chives prefer full sun, though will tolerate partial shade. Ensure your soil is well-drained will help these plants thrive. While it’s possible garlic chives can become invasive, they are easy to manage as long as you maintain them.
Harvest chives with scissors by cutting down to the soil. While they are most commonly eaten fresh, consider chopping and drying your garlic chives for preservation and use later in soups or to season most any dish.
Learn more about Garlic Chives at Wikipedia.